
Standard Music Library

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3 catalogues, 7,000 tracks and over 45 years’ worth of music.

Credits include everything from Scarface and Sex In The City to Panorama and Dog Borstal.

Standard Music Library

From mainstream to cutting-edge - electronica, dance, rock, comedy, original film and classical scores, exotica, acoustic, drama, mystery & thriller, lifestyle, music for children, kitsch, world music (India, Brazil, The Middle East) and a lot more in between.

Groundbreaking producer/writers - Brian Eno, Delia Derbyshire, Sir George Martin, Matthew Herbert and Nurse With Wound. Renowned guitarists - Gordon Giltrap, Michael Chapman and Marco Pirroni. Specialist Comedy and light entertainment in our 1970s LWT (ITV) archive, plus specialist soundtrack composers and lots of special one-offs by the likes of Alex Paterson (The Orb), Sven Libaek and even Dudley Moore.

All Music Gallery

Large Czech catalogue with a vast range of classical works (Handel, Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Bizet, Brahms, Vivaldi) plus Jewish and Gypsy songs and authentic music from the East: Ukraine, Russia, Azerbaidjan, Armenia, Latvia, Chechnya and Georgia.

Musica Britannica

Small but growing boutique label, lovingly curated by composer James Clarke, specializing in acoustic and light-classical ensembles.

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